Rained through the night but I slept through it: when I awoke at 4:30, all was quiet, but still wet. My morning swims are a variety of light and dark, damp and wet and dry. I managed three laps this morning. When I got out, a little heron stood by my bag & I thought I might photograph it. First, I took out my towel, held it up in front of me to get the folds out, & when I lowered it, the heron was gone, like a magic trick I had performed for myself. I don’t know how I did it, but I have my suspicions.
It’s a real now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t day for me, April 27th, a day I always like to be near water.
I absolutely love how you can perceive the wonder in the small things of every day. We all have eyes, but just a few can see!