Jun 28Liked by Elizabeth McCracken

I hope you feel much better very soon, Elizabeth!

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Late to this post (was outta town) and hope your cough is gone and you are able to enjoy your time at Whitby.

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I’d rather try a Flake99 whatever that is! Glad you’re on the up n up.

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Elizabeth, your reports frequently crack me up (sorry -- stupid pun). I know your travails weren't funny per se, but you have a way of writing about them that renders them hilarious to your readers. Thank you for your insights and for your humanity. Also, get better.

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I hope your "natural" cough has naturalized itself out of your system!

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I hope your cough has evaporated altogether, and I'm so envious that you're comfortable driving on the "wrong side of the road" (affording dreamed-of independence in those glorious British Isles), but whoa, wait, hold on, I wanted to stay with Peter Quince. (!!) In Round Top TX no less: "Marry, our play is / the most lamentable comedy..." "If we offend, it is with our good will /that you should think, we come not to offend...Gentles, perchance you wonder at this show/ but wonder on..." O proud Mama. Bless summer Shakespeares. I remember with such joy playing Trinculo so very long ago.

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Turtle, our English Pointer who has never been to England, wants and deserves a Nigel Farage dog toy (although “he is not intended for strong chewers,” which Turtle surely is) 🐢🐾

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Sarah, I went to procure a Farage for Turtle--but the Swing Bridge that connects one side of Whitby is broken! I'm sure I will find another on my UK travels & will be back for information. I hate to disappoint a pointer, surely bad luck.

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Ah yes, UK candy. Avoid the Iron Brew and rest! Perhaps a Millionaire's Shortbread and a wee dram? Be well!

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