I'm glad you got to see Laurie Anderson, she's a treasure. Don't know if you like podcasts (acknowledged that not all folks do) but Laurie was a guest on Anderson Cooper's podcast "All There Is" talking about grief. That made me cry. Plus what a beautiful voice she has!

P.s. possums are good critters, besides being North America's only (?) marsupial they eat ticks. The fierceness is admirable.

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Ugh…sorry you had COVID. Congratulations on your Arts & Letters award! Marsupial is an extraordinary word. I feel we should have more words with its mouthfeel.

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Maybe Texas opossums are different, but I've always found them to be almost docile, even if their drooling low slung jaw make them look like rabid land sharks.

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I love that your dear aunt Liz keeps company with Laurie Anderson. I love that you can talk serious writers into magic shows. May weeks in England feel like another swim, complete with ducks both plastic and real. Now I'm swimming. Thank you.

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I find monotremes to be more interesting.

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Congratulations! And, oh my, Laurie Anderson! I saw her years ago at SMU. What a treat to have her at your special event.

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I recently installed cameras at the schools and have been waking up eager to watch my "motion" warnings. At night, critters take over the the playground and parking lot. One little fox has decided to make a bathroom out of one specific parking space and two wobbly raccoons make a feast out of baby trash! Every once in a while, a well-fed coyote shows up, but it always seems to happen when no little critter is around. The possums have shown up here and there but they always keep their faces from the camera and I can only see their behinds, so it is impossible to know it was actually them that did it, whatever it was.

Heading to Vermont tomorrow!

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All possums are George for me in honor of the great George Jones.

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Happy to get “honorable mention”. lol Also happy to hang out with you and not get covid.

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