There are few things on the internet as delightful as spending a couple of minutes reading about your swims.

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People standing like Stonehenge in backwards baseball caps feels like the whole friggin world these days. Swim through? Around? Relapse and bark? Maybe walk calmly on the bottom with the other turtles...

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Self-discipline is always my downfall. I wish I’d taken a course in discipline and scheduling and “putting me first” in kindergarten or grade school or ever. Is it too late?

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When I was a child it was common place for both ladies and gentlemen to wear hats and then suddenly and sadly one day they vanished from all but the uniformed or ceremonial heads. I doubt they will ever return given that in this short half century the young have lost the ability to fathom out the front. 😞

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Can I say I love you?

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“a thumb in the eye of society” lol

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Thank you for making me smile this evening. I don't swim, but I do walk--except it's not a fixed habit, especially in 90 degrees and above!

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Oh, a turtle -- how magical! That's the kind of thing that almost makes up for the backwards-baseball-cap-wearing-imitation-Stonehenge-figures.

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My husband and I swim at the UT Rec Center pool here in Houston - not as magical as Barton Springs - just a pool. Since it's not magical, there's almost no one there, when we go, anyway, about noon, after I've finished my writing for the day. I always have a lane to myself, which good, since I'm one of the dog paddlers. Thanks to you, I will now think of myself as ADORABLE - in that one aspect at least.

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The range of emotions - pretty swell.

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